Zdjęcie głowne Konferncji Niepełnosprawni na rynku pracy


Ladies and Gentlemen,

On 6th November 2019 Medical University of Lodz together with the Foundation Academic Lodz are organizing the 6th edition of the conference  “The (dis) abled on the labour market” .

This edition will tackle the issue of sport which is an important element of support for people with disabilities. Sport in the life of a person with a disability plays a vital role. Besides the health aspect, the feeling of group belonging, going out and opening to new challenges are  equally important. It often turns out that sport becomes a new idea for life and for a professional activity.

The conference also provides the disabled with a possibility to meet directly the employees and to participate in activities which increase their chance to find a proper job or work placement. What is more we intend to promote the most developing and entrepreneurial companies which deal with widely understood disability, rehabilitation and health care directed at people with disabilities.

The conference will become an occasion to discuss the problems of people with disabilities, including the widely understood labour market among specialists.

We are happy that the former five editions of the conference attracted a lot of attention as it proves how important this issue is. The conference is also a great opportunity to meet and to listen to the lectures of people who turned their disability into a success and who showed that the determination and the strength of character allow to overcome all the problems.

The conference “The (dis) abled on the labour market” is a series of lectures, debates and presentations accompanied by Academic Job Fair for the Disabled.

The participation of 200 people is envisaged- people with disabilities, proxies of higher education institutions responsible for the disabilities, employees, students and groups interested in the issues related to disabilities.

Honorary patronage




Media patronage

Main partners

Conference partners


We invite you to use the discussion forum as a platform for the exchange of information, previews and insights about the Conference and Congress of Agents, but also general disability.

We encourage you to actively participate and throw topics that interest you! Participation in the forum requires an account.



Job portal

Ladies and gentlemen, meeting the needs of people with disabilities while looking for a job, but also the ones of employers who employ the disabled, the following job portal has been created. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the educational materials that have been prepared for you.

You are encouraged to use our application. In the job portal you will find current job offers, job application form, as well as the opportunity to submit your own CV.

Job portal
Fundacja Łódź Akademicka posiada praktyczne doświadczenie w organizacji warsztatów oraz konferencji w formule zdalnej przy wykorzystaniu transmisji na odległość. Fundacja jest członkiem programu TechSoup Polska i posiada niezbędne licencje oraz oprogramowanie do organizacji szkoleń i spotkań dla grupy nawet 500 osób w trybie zdalnym. Jeśli sytuacja epidemiologiczna uniemożliwi organizacje konferencji w formule stacjonarnej, podejmiemy się organizacji wydarzenia z wykorzystaniem narzędzi do transmisji, szkoleń i pracy zdalnej.
Informacja o dofinansowaniu konferencji